UGC is Outpacing You—Is Your Cycling Brand Stuck in the Pack?

User Generated Content
October 16, 2024
It’s 2024, and cycling brands like Trek, Specialized, and Canyon are still throwing millions at athlete sponsorships while ignoring their real asset—UGC. UGC boosts share of voice by 28%, conversions by 29%, and brand recall by 42%—yet these brands barely touch it in their funnels. They’re leaving free, trusted content on the table. With Sauce’s analytics and visual shopping toolkit, they could finally turn UGC into sales. The real win? Stop wasting cash on pro sponsorships and start turning customers into brand ambassadors.
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It’s 2024, and the cycling industry is doing what it does best — moving fast but mostly in circles. Trek, Specialized, Giant, Canyon, and their fellow titans are pouring millions into athlete sponsorships, only to watch as their biggest asset — user-generated content (UGC) — withers in the digital shadows. Why? Because they’re not capitalising on it where it matters: on their websites and in their marketing funnels. Let’s break this down.

The (Missed) Power of the Peloton & the Stoke-Fueled Cycling Culture

Every time a cyclist posts a sweaty selfie with a Specialized or captures a wild downhill ride on a Canyon, that’s UGC gold. It’s authentic, engaging, and it’s FREE - and it’s 28% more likely to increase share of voice than the best-polished ad campaign you can dream up (Stackla). But what are these brands doing with it? Spoiler alert: not much. Instead, they’re locked into the old game of sponsoring high-profile athletes and teams without really knowing what the ROI looks like. They’re trading millions for jerseys in the peloton while leaving tonnes of organic, community-driven content untapped.

Cross-country (XC) and MTB dominate UGC on Instagram and TikTokfrom backyard jumps to quad-burning climbs and jaw-dropping singletrack descents, cycling is a stoke-fueled culture driven by the community. Each post isn’t just shared, it’s part of the stoke, pushing riders to send it even harder on the next trail.

Show Me the Data.

Let’s talk numbers — because data doesn’t lie, but it sure can highlight some blind spots. Rapha and Specialized have over 10,000 inbound mentioners and 28,500 posts, yet they’re failing to channel this content into their digital funnels where it actually matters. If you’ve got that much chatter happening around your brand, why leave it locked away on social media? Meanwhile, big names like Giant and Merida are falling way behind in the engagement metrics. The problem isn’t the amount of UGC; it’s the complete lack of strategy to turn that content into conversions.

These charts paint a picture of missed opportunity. Some brands are sitting on a goldmine of UGC, but they’re treating it like fool’s gold — barely featured on their websites, ignored in their e-commerce experiences, and lost in the labyrinth of traditional marketing funnels.

You can’t improve what you don’t measure, and what these brands aren’t measuring is shocking. UGC on product pages can spike conversion rates by 29% (Sauce). Imagine that — one customer photo could be the difference between a window shopper and a full cart. Yet, Trek and Giant have left their websites in the dark, relying on sponsorship-driven visuals that, let’s face it, no one trusts as much as their friend’s recommendation.

Reality Check: Your most powerful sales team isn’t in your sponsored Lycra; they’re in your community. Integrate that UGC directly into your e-commerce experience and watch those conversion rates pedal up the hill.

Sponsorships: The Cycling Industry’s Security Blanket

Let’s call it what it is: the industry’s addiction to athlete sponsorships is a massive marketing hangover.

Sponsorship in pro cycling is a money pit—but the brands keep jumping in. Trek, Specialized, Canyon—they’re all handing out cash to get their logos in the peloton. Here’s the rundown for 2023:

1. Trek – Dropping €1 million a year just for the privilege of sponsoring the Lidl-Trek team in the Tour de France. And that’s before you factor in R&D, equipment, and everything else.

2. Specialized – Throwing €3.2-4.5 million across teams like Bora-Hansgrohe, Soudal Quick-Step, and TotalEnergies, with all the bells and whistles (aka equipment and logistics).

3. Giant – Sponsoring Team Jayco AlUla at a similar €1 million clip, though they’re likely padding their budget with partnerships to offset some of the costs.

4. Canyon – Playing the same game, spending around €1 million to back Movistar, plus covering bike supply and logistics.

5. Pinarello – Going all-in with Ineos Grenadiers, reportedly dishing out over €3 million a year for sponsorship and extensive product testing.

And let’s not forget the others—Cannondale, Scott, Bianchi, Merida, Rapha. For many of them, sponsoring a team is their biggest marketing spend. But here’s the problem: while sponsorships are great for prestige, they’re a high-cost, low-clarity investment. These brands are missing out on lower-cost, higher-ROI marketing plays, like user-generated content (UGC), which drives real engagement and actual results. So, they’re pouring money into the peloton while the real marketing gold—UGC—sits on the sidelines.

But here’s the kicker: influencer marketing delivers $5.20 for every $1 spent, blowing traditional sponsorship ROI out of the water (Influencer Marketing Hub).

That’s where Sauce’s analytics come in. With Influencer profile analytics, reputation analysis, precision interest targeting and branded engagement metrics, Sauce can help these brands figure out which athletes actually move the needle. Why pay for jerseys in the Tour de France when you can turn every Canyon rider into a brand ambassador armed with the tools to create and share content that actually drives sales?

Rethink influencer-driven sales—with UGC as your secret weapon. Sauce’s Influencer Solutions let you find, partner with, and activate Instagram influencers who do more than boost sales—they generate the UGC that customers trust. Influencer Plus helps you reach new audiences, build authentic partnerships, and harness influencer content to drive real connections. This isn’t just marketing—it’s fueling your UGC machine. No more spreadsheets, no more guesswork—Sauce gives you real-time analytics, improved search and product discovery, and a smarter way to leverage influencers and UGC to scale your brand.

UGC: The Real Fix for Your Broken Consumer Funnel

The old-school, linear path to purchase? It’s dead. Today’s consumers, especially when dropping serious cash on high-ticket items like a top-end bike, are all over the map. The funnel’s a mess—awareness, consideration, decision-making—it’s no longer a straight shot. And in a world of endless options, decision fatigue is real. Glossy ads? Sponsored athletes? They don’t move the needle like they used to. What does? Trust. Enter UGC.

When a potential buyer sees someone ripping through a trail on a Canyon or geeking out over their new Trek bike, that’s not just content—it’s social proof. UGC catches consumers right at the top of the funnel, planting a seed of trust during their awareness phase. They’re scrolling Instagram, TikTok, YouTube, and what they see isn’t a brand pushing a message, it’s someone like them having a real-world experience. That’s the first hit.

But it doesn’t stop there. Here’s where the brands are missing out: UGC doesn’t just live on social. It’s the bridge that gets potential customers to your website, where the final purchase happens. By the time they land on your product page, they’re not just browsing—they’re looking for a reason to pull the trigger. And UGC is the validation they need to feel good about hitting ‘buy.’

Here’s the data: UGC on product pages can increase purchase likelihood by 4.6 times compared to product pages without it (Nielsen). That’s right—real photos, videos, and reviews from actual users crush the fancy product descriptions written by your marketing team. Consumers trust people more than brands, and this is especially true for higher price points, where they want to feel 100% confident in their decision.

So, here’s the bottom line: without UGC, you’re asking buyers to fork over big money based on nothing but brand promises. With UGC, you’re turning your consumer funnel into a trust engine—guiding them from curiosity on social to conversion on your site, with real customer experiences lighting the way.

So what could this look like? UGC doesn’t just sit there—first, Sauce listens in to what your customers and fans are saying and posting about you across Instagram. Their content is automatically pulled into a dynamic UGC media library, ready to be curated, and then woven into your site like a power assist. It powers the homepage, flows through collection pages, and takes over the product detail pages (PDPs) with Video Commerce and Visual Shopping. Front and centre, exactly where it should be.

What’s the deal with your PDPs? Seriously, why aren’t you leveraging UGC videos and customer explainers where they matter most? Here’s the stat: 98% of consumers watch videos before making a purchase (Wyzowl), and guess what? Videos on product pages increase conversions by 80% (EyeView). This isn’t just marketing fluff—it’s hard data. So stop leaving money on the table. With Sauce’s Hero Product Videos, your UGC explainers are automatically integrated into your PDPs, serving up the authentic content your customers trust to make buying decisions.

Sauce’s Product Page Galleries are the secret weapon you’re missing—right at the point of purchase, when the decision is at its most sensitive. Fully customisable, these galleries blend seamlessly into your website, showcasing UGC and branded media together to create an experience that product specs and features just can’t deliver. It’s not just about info—it’s the emotional hook that drives conversions.

Why UGC is the Real MVP

People remember UGC because it’s relatable; it’s their next-door neighbour, not a faceless superstar.

UGC isn’t just cheaper; it’s better. It’s trusted, it’s relatable, and it comes straight from the community — the same people buying your products. Yet, brands like Trek and Scott are still stuck on athlete endorsements and glossy ads that cost a fortune. They’re pouring resources into top-down marketing when they should be building from the ground up with UGC that’s proven to convert. UGC doesn’t just bring you closer to your audience — it creates a memory. Nielsen tells us that UGC boosts brand recall by 42% compared to traditional content. People remember UGC because it’s relatable; it’s their next-door neighbour, not a faceless superstar. This is the missing link for brands like Merida and Rapha, who could turn every customer review into a walking, talking advertisement.

Here’s the play: stop being afraid of letting the customers speak for you. UGC doesn’t dilute your brand; it amplifies it. Imagine embedding those epic ride videos, glowing reviews, and stunning bike shots directly into your product pages, social ads, and newsletters. Trek bikes ripping through muddy trails on your homepage — not just on Instagram. Specialized road warriors crushing it on your shoppable videos — not just on YouTube.

Let’s talk social proof—and not just for racing and MTB. Brompton, what’s holding you back from injecting your cult-status UGC into product pages? This isn’t just about showing customers on your bikes—it’s about making those moments shoppable. UGC isn’t just eye candy, it’s an upsell machine. That beautifully designed backlight or those must-have accessories? They’re one click away. It’s time to let your community drive sales and turn every interaction into a buying moment.

The results are clear: plug UGC into your consumer funnel, and watch conversions and AOV shoot up. It’s not rocket science—UGC drives trust, trust drives sales. End of story.

The Way Forward: Stop Sponsoring, Start Listening

Cycling brands need to stop worshipping at the altar of athlete sponsorships without a data-driven plan. Here’s a thought — what if you listened to the people who actually buy your bikes? According to Adweek, 85% of consumers find UGC more influential than brand-created content. That’s your cue to move away from the glossy magazine ads and start putting real customer experiences front and centre. Double down on UGC and lean into Sauce’s analytics to figure out which content and influencers are driving real engagement.

Not guessesreal data on branded engagement, influencer reach, and the true ROI of your spend. This isn’t about scrapping sponsorships entirely but about understanding their real influence, their impact on sales and getting a much bigger bang for their buck.

You don’t have to be in the Tour de France to win the race. Brands like Canyon and Pinarello are already proving that a smarter approach to UGC and influencer analytics can give you the same, if not better, ROI. It’s time the rest of the cycling industry got out of its own way and let the people who love their bikes — and talk about them non-stop online — do the marketing for them.

Conclusion: Shift Gears or Get Left Behind

The cycling industry is at a crossroads: Stick with overpriced sponsorships and outdated tactics, or shift gears into a UGC-driven future. The data is screaming for a change — UGC drives 6.9 times higher engagement than your best in-house creatives can muster (Olapic). Brands that get with the programme will be in the slipstream of growth, while the rest? Well, they’ll be left in the dust, wondering why their million-euro sponsorships aren't giving them the lead.

Let’s put it this way: in the race for relevance, the real winners will be those who know how to turn a ride into a #movement, a @mention into a conversion, and UGC into ROI.

If you’re a cycling brand still wondering if UGC is worth a shot—stop thinking and start acting. Talk to us. We’re ready when you are.