18x Your Engagement: The Case for Above-the-Fold Hero Product Videos

Video Commerce
October 15, 2024
Want to 18x your customer engagement? Stop hiding your best content. Placing Hero Product Videos above the fold on your product pages grabs attention fast, builds trust, and speeds up purchase decisions. Customers make emotional choices, and 85% are more likely to buy after watching a video. Meanwhile, 38% will bounce if what they see above the fold doesn’t cut it. Get your videos front and centre, reduce friction, and watch the sales roll in. It’s behavioural economics 101 - stop making people work to give you their money.
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Here’s a fact: most of what you’re doing on your product pages right now is probably wrong. Or, at least, suboptimal. There’s one simple change you can make to your product display pages (PDPs) that can increase customer interaction by 18x. That’s not a typo. Eighteen times more engagement by using Hero Product Videos above the fold.

So, what’s the deal with above-the-fold content, and why is it such a game-changer?

Let’s break it down.

Above the Fold: Where Attention Lives

Consumers today have the attention span of a gnat. 38% of them will abandon a site if what they see above the fold doesn’t grab them. What’s above the fold? It’s the first thing visitors see before they scroll. Anything you put below the fold is playing the equivalent of an away game — it might as well not even exist.

So, let me ask you this: Why are so many brands still burying key product details below the fold?

Answer: Because they’re not thinking about how people actually make decisions. In retail, people don’t buy based on logic, they buy based on emotion. And emotions get triggered quickly. First impressions count for everything, and if you don’t hook them right away, they’re gone. Your product might be incredible, but if it’s sitting below the fold, it’s like holding the winning lottery ticket and not cashing it in.

This visual highlights key areas of a product display page (PDP) using common eye-tracking behaviour.
Above the Fold:
This is the top part of the page, visible to users without scrolling. Crucial for engaging visitors instantly, as they spend most of their initial attention here.
Below the Fold:
Requires scrolling to access. Content here is often missed unless users are motivated to explore further.
Terminal Area:
The bottom right corner of the screen, where the user’s attention is naturally drawn after scanning the page. This area is often prime real estate for calls-to-action (CTAs) or important product details.
Diagonal Scan Path Z-pattern:
The dotted line running diagonally from the top left to the bottom right represents the
Z-pattern or F-pattern typical of how users’ eyes move across the page. Users first scan horizontally across the top, move down the left, and end up in the bottom right corner.
This layout is designed to highlight the importance of strategic placement, particularly for videos and CTAs, which should appear in high-visibility zones to maximise engagement and conversions.

Why Video Wins

You’ve heard it before: content is king. But not all content is created equal. Text? Pass. Images? Fine, but they’re table stakes. Video? Video is the great persuader.

Research shows that viewers are 85% more likely to purchase after watching a video. Why? Because video engages the senses. It shows your product in action, removes uncertainty, and builds trust at a faster rate than static images. It’s the difference between showing up to a business meeting with a polished presentation or scribbling notes on a napkin. Video says, “We mean business.” It commands attention, tells a story, and makes an emotional connection in just a few seconds.

This video demonstrates how Andrea Iyamah, a fashion brand, utilises Sauce’s Hero Product Videos to display engaging product-related content. The floating video thumbnail is strategically placed in the bottom right corner—the terminal area—where users’ attention naturally gravitates. This placement maximises visibility and interaction without disrupting the site’s overall flow or user experience.

In this video, we continue with Andrea Iyamah, showcasing the scrolling behaviour of Sauce’s Hero Product Videos using the shrink on scroll feature. The video initially plays in the bottom right corner, capturing the customer’s attention. As the user begins to scroll, the video smoothly shrinks into a mini version, staying visible but unobtrusive. This ensures it’s always accessible in the background, ready for when the customer needs it, without interfering with their browsing experience.

18x More Customer Engagement – Here’s Why

Here’s where things get really interesting: Sauce Hero Product Videos, when placed above the fold, drive 18x more than other placements. Not 18%, 18 times.

This isn’t magic - it’s about real estate and attention. Videos in this prime real estate capture attention without adding cognitive load. Visitors don’t have to work to find the info, it’s all right there. You’re making it easy for them, and in return, they reward you with their time (and money). Videos remove friction by demonstrating the product’s value upfront, reducing the number of questions a customer needs answered before making a purchase.

Put simply, you’re lowering the barrier to conversion. Customers don’t have to dig for details, and they’re more likely to make an impulsive purchase because they feel confident. And all this happens before they’ve even scrolled down the page.

Shopify: Plug and Play

And Shopify? Yeah, they’ve made this ridiculously easy. Sauce Hero Product Videos are integrated as App Embeds, so if you’re a Shopify merchant, here’s how you get it done:

1. Go to Themes.
2. Click Customise Theme.
3. Find Theme App Embeds.
4. Toggle on Sauce Hero Product Videos.
5. Save. Done.

Now your Hero Product Videos are live, front and centre, on all the right product pages. No coding, no hassle, no missed opportunities.

Shopify merchants, it’s time to boost your sales with Hero Product Videos! Here’s how to get it done in 5 easy steps. Get your product videos front and centre and watch your conversions go through the roof. Simple, effective, game-changing. 🎯

The Bottom Line

This isn’t rocket science, it’s behavioural economics. 85% of customers are more likely to buy after watching a video, and 38% won’t even stick around if what’s above the fold doesn’t grab them. The takeaway? Get your Hero Product Video above the fold, reduce friction, and 18x your sales. The future of e-commerce belongs to those who understand the art of persuasion — and video is your best tool.

- Wistia
- Nielsen Norman Group