How Hero Product Videos Are Taking Over eCommerce: A Playbook for Brands

Video Commerce
October 15, 2024
Learn why Hero Product Videos are dominating eCommerce, how brands are using it to grow faster, and what you can do to stay ahead of the game. Don’t just follow the video revolution - lead it.
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Alright, folks - let’s get something straight: if your eCommerce strategy doesn’t include video, you’re playing catch-up in a game where the winners have already figured out the formula. Video isn’t just the future of commerce, it’s the *now*, and if you’re not using it to highlight your products, you’re leaving money on the table. But I’m not talking about any run-of-the-mill, bland explainer videos. I’m talking Hero Product Videos - the type of content that takes your flagship products, puts them on centre stage, and drives conversions like a Tesla in Ludicrous Mode.

Why? Because consumers trust what they can see in action. According to a Wyzowl survey, 88% of people have been convinced to buy a product after watching a brand’s video. It’s no longer a ‘nice to have’; it’s table stakes.

This video highlights how Meotine, a fashion brand, uses Hero Videos as product explainers, showcasing the style and fit of each garment on different body types, offering customers a more personalised and immersive shopping experience.

1. Video is King in eCommerce (Ask TikTok and Instagram)

Let’s be real: attention spans are shorter than ever. The modern consumer doesn’t have the time-or desire- to read through product descriptions and sift through endless reviews. They want to see it, believe it, and buy it. Look at TikTok and Instagram Reels - platforms that have thrived on short-form, engaging video content. They didn’t just catch the trend; they built an empire on it.

Instagram’s shift toward prioritising video with Reels and TikTok’s billion-plus active users have proven that video isn’t a trend - it’s an evolution. Video content on Instagram gets 49% more engagement than non-video posts. Hero product videos tap into this trend by taking those real-world use cases and putting your product in front of your audience in a way that feels authentic and persuasive.

This video highlights how Stylest, a fashion brand, uses Hero Videos as product explainers, helping customers visualise how each garment fits and functions on different body types for a more personalised shopping experience.

2. Integrating Hero Product Videos into Your Storefront

Alright, here’s the practical bit. Your products aren’t going to sell themselves (despite what some D2C founders might like to believe). You need to integrate Hero Product Videos directly into your eCommerce store, and it’s easier than you think. Shopify, Magento, WooCommerce, Squarespace, BigCommerce, Salesforce, Lightspeed, Centra - doesn’t matter. Sauce has seamless integrations for shoppable video content. With a range of customisation tools in the Video Commerce suite (the real deal for easy, interactive video embedding), you can place videos right on your homepage or product pages (as shown below). If you're on Shopify, just install Sauce and enable 'Hero Product Videos' in the App Embeds section of your Theme customiser. For other platforms, simply copy and paste the Hero Product Video embed code into your product page.

This video shows you how to turn on Hero Product Videos on Shopify by flipping a single switch in the App Embed section - yeah, it’s literally that easy. If you can toggle, you can do this.

Let’s talk placement: put that video above the fold. Make it the first thing people see when they land on your product page. Why? Because attention is a currency and you’ve got seconds - literally - to spend it wisely. And don’t just show off the product. Show it in use, in real life, solving a problem. That’s how you build trust.

This video demonstrates how Ancient + Brave, a health-focused brand, leverages Hero Videos as product explainers, showcasing the visual impact of their products’ health benefits. Perfect for highlighting the transformative results that require more than just a description.

3. Optimising Hero Videos for Maximum Impact

Here’s a truth bomb: it doesn’t matter how slick your video is if it doesn’t convert. You’re not making an Oscar-winning short film; you’re trying to sell a product. So, let’s get tactical.

- Short and Sweet: Keep it under 60 seconds. Why? Because data shows that 68% of consumers prefer videos under two minutes and it also means it can be repurposed as a YouTube short (let's talk about that separately). But honestly, even shorter is better. Attention spans, remember?
- Product in Action: This is non-negotiable. If you’re just talking about your product without showing it solving a real problem, you’ve already lost. People need to see the value immediately. Videos that show a product in use increase purchase likelihood by a whopping 174%.

- Clear Call to Action (CTA): Don’t leave people wondering what to do next. A strong CTA is essential. Whether it’s “Shop Now,” “Learn More,” or “Add to Cart,” make it crystal clear. Sauce lets you tag your videos with featured products, but don’t stop there - add related items to the mix. Why? Because bundling complementary products boosts your Average Order Value (AOV). You’re giving customers direct access to everything they want in one click, without making them hunt through your site. It’s frictionless commerce at its best, and if you’re not leveraging it, you’re leaving cash on the table.

This video showcases how In Bed Store, an Australian home furnishings brand, uses Hero Videos as product visualisers, highlighting the visual aesthetic of each item in a home setting. The videos also list featured products, making it easy for customers to shop the entire look.

4. Distribute Across Every Channel
(Don’t Just Sit on Your Website)

Look, you’re making killer video content - don’t limit it to your product pages. The power of video multiplies when you spread it across multiple touchpoints.

- Social Media: This is where your audience is hanging out. Cross-post your Hero Product Videos on Instagram, TikTok, Facebook - wherever your customers are. And don’t sleep on the power of social commerce. Instagram Shopping lets you tag products directly in videos, creating a seamless click-to - buy experience and Sauce integrates seamlessly with those tags - so no excuses. TikTok is already integrating eCommerce into its platform - catch that wave.
- Email Campaigns: Did you know adding a video to your email can increase click-through rates by 300%? That’s right. Drop your Hero Product Videos into your email blasts. Sauce creates animated Gif thumbnails that links directly to your store’s product page. It’s a simple way to drive traffic back to your site.

5. Track, Analyse, and Optimise

You can’t manage what you don’t measure, right? So once your Hero Product Videos are up and running, it’s time to dive into the data. Sauce offers killer analytics that will tell you how your videos are performing.

- Engagement: How long are people watching before they drop off? Where’s the drop-off point? Are they clicking on your shoppable tags?
- Conversion Rate: This is the real test. Are people watching your video and then buying? Video shoppers spend 33% more than non-video shoppers, so the potential here is massive.

- A/B Test Your Videos: Experiment with different versions of your video content. Maybe it’s the product angle, maybe it’s the User Generated Content (UGC) credibility- tinker with the variables until you hit on what converts.

This screenshot from Sauce’s dashboard presents a continuous A/B test comparing two customer groups: those interacting with shopping videos on-site and those who don’t. The data reveals that customers engaging with videos purchase 54.9% more, clearly demonstrating the advantage of visually engaging product presentations, which also leads to higher Average Order Value (AOV).

Don’t Just Join the Video Revolution - Lead It

Incorporating Hero Product Videos isn’t just an option anymore - it’s a necessity. We’re moving into a world where video is the primary way people consume information and make purchasing decisions. Video traffic is expected to make up 82% of all internet traffic by 2025, so you’ve got a choice: get on board now or fall behind.

Brands that integrate video successfully into their eCommerce strategies are seeing faster growth, higher engagement, and bigger profits. Look at Amazon’s live stream shopping or Shopify’s partnership with Sauce Shop Videos - they’re already pushing the envelope. The question is, will you?

Get the tools, integrate the videos, and start selling - because in this game, seeing is believing, and if your customers don’t see your product in action, they’ll see someone else’s.